Our world is changing...even quicker than we realize. Here are two links to helps us understand the pace at which change is occuring. The first is a brilliant display of how the countries of the world have narrowed a gap of wealth and health. Those that were considered "third world" countries, even just a generation ago, are catching up. While there is still considerable poverty around the globe, the access to technology and information is without question one of the most powerful forces we have ever dealt with.
The second link is to an ESPN special report on the Ugandan Little League team. While the team was prevented from coming to Williamsport to compete in the Little League World Series this August due to Visa issues and birth certificate discrepencies, it is clear how a game, which was completely foriegn to people in the country just a few years ago, can be taught and learned well. These kids can play. If we can teach them to play baseball that well in such a short time... what else can we teach people?
Mr. Conway, the 200 year history graph is terrific. Thanks for sharing that link! Cindy T